Natalia Bochkina's home page

I am a postdoc in the Biostatistics Group in the Department of Epidemiology and Public Health at Imperial College, formerly a member of BAIR group.

Current areas of research.

1.      Differential expression for microarray gene expression data: objective Bayesian and mixture approaches.

2.      Bayesian modelling in wavelet regression; connection to Besov spaces, optimality.

3.      Wavelet transform with unequal spacings.

4.      Modelling of functional genomics data (metabolic spectra and CGH arrays)

 List of publications and presentations

Brief CV.

1990-1993 – физ.-мат. школа-интернат №45, 9-11a (Академическая Гимназия), С.-Петербург

1993-1998 – BSc+MSc degree (with distinction), Faculty of Mathematics and Mechanics, St.Petersburg State University, Russia

1998-2001 – PhD, Statistics group, Department of Mathematics, University of Bristol (with Bernard Silverman)

2002-2003 – statistician, Oxford GlycoSciences (UK) Ltd

2003 – now – postdoc, Biostatistics group, Department of Epidemiology and Public Health, Imperial College London (with Sylvia Richardson)


Some pictures

Skiing 2005 and 2006

Mallorca 2005

St.Petersburg and Mexico trips in 2003-2004

Isle of Skye hike 2002

More pictures are here.

Contact details.


Department of Epidemiology and Public Health
School of Medicine
Imperial College London
Norfolk Place
London W2 1PG, UK


Phone: +44 20 7594 3325

Fax:     +44 20 7402 2150