Data Fusion in Genomics – One day meeting

Institute for Mathematical Sciences

7th September 2005

Clore Lecture Theatre, Huxley Building

Imperial College London, South Kensington Campus



10-10.30                    Registration (Clore Lecture Theatre)

Tea & Coffee (Senior Common Room, Sherfield Building)


10.30                          Opening remarks 

Professor S Richardson, Imperial College


10.35                          Sparse Statistical Modelling and Pattern Profiling in Gene Expression Genomics


                                    Professor Mike West, Duke University


11.35                          Integrative genomics and pattern recognition for biomarker discovery


                                    Dr Chris Holmes, Oxford University



12.35 -14.00              Break for Lunch



14.00                          Bayesian functional mixed models for proteomics


                                    Professor Phillip Brown, University of Kent



15.00                          Bayesian methods for variable selection


                                    Professor Marina Vannucci, Texas A&M University



16.00-16.15               Tea & Coffee Break



16.15                          Optimal sample size for multiple testing: the case of gene expression microarrays


                                    Professor Peter Mueller, M. D. Anderson Cancer Center, University of Texas        


17.30-19.00               Posters and drink reception in the Physics Common Room, Level 8, Blackett Laboratory.