Data Fusion in Genomics – One
day meeting
Institute for Mathematical
Clore Lecture Theatre,
10-10.30 Registration
(Clore Lecture Theatre)
Tea &
Coffee (Senior Common Room,
10.30 Opening remarks
Professor S Richardson,
10.35 Sparse Statistical Modelling and Pattern
Profiling in Gene Expression Genomics
Professor Mike West,
11.35 Integrative genomics and pattern
recognition for biomarker discovery
Dr Chris
12.35 -14.00 Break for Lunch
14.00 Bayesian functional mixed models for
Professor Phillip Brown,
15.00 Bayesian methods for variable selection
Professor Marina Vannucci,
16.00-16.15 Tea & Coffee Break
16.15 Optimal sample size for multiple testing: the case of gene expression microarrays
Professor Peter Mueller,
17.30-19.00 Posters and drink reception in the Physics Common Room, Level
8, Blackett Laboratory.