1. Bochkina N., Richardson S. (2007) Tail posterior probability for inference in pairwise and multiclass gene expression data. Biometrics, in press (ps, Supplementary material, and also technical report).
2. Bochkina N. (2007) Besov regularity of functions with sparse random wavelet coefficients. (pdf)
3. Bochkina N. (2007) Goodness-of-fit Test for Dependent Observations via Wavelets. Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference, in press (Advanced access:
4. Bochkina N., Sapatinas T. (2006) On pointwise optimality of Bayes Factor wavelet regression estimators. Sankhya, 68, 513-541. (pdf).
5. Bochkina N.A., Sapatinas T. (2005) On the Posterior Median Estimators of Possibly Sparse Sequences. Annals of Institute of Statistical Mathematics, Vol. 57, 315-351 (Abstract).
6. S.Parry, D.Hadaschik, C.Blancher, K.Mande, N.Bochkina, H.Morris, S.Richardson, T.Aitman, D.Gauguier, K.Siddle, J.Scott and A.Dell. (2006) Glycomics investigation into insulin action. Biochimica et Biophysica Acta, 1760(4):652-68.
7. A.Bart, N.Alekseyeff (Klochkova), N.Bochkina. Partial Inversion of Functions for Statistical Modelling of Regulatory Systems. In Advances in Stochastic Simulation Methods (Series: Statistics for Industry and Technology) p.355-371. Eds. Balakrishnan, V.B.Melas, S.Ermakov, Burkhaser, Boston-Basel-Berlin, 2000.
A.G. Bart, V.M. Kozhanov,
N.M. Chmykhova, N.A. Botchkina, L.A. Ternovaya, H.P. Clamann. Topological and
statistical analysis of 3-D reconstructions of axon collaterals. Neurophysiol
32:249-259, 2000
9. A.G.Bart, N.A.Bochkina. (1998) Fiducial Distributions in Statistical Simulation of Regulatory Systems, p.238-242, In Proceedings of St.Petersburg Workshop on Simulation, Eds. S.M.Ermakov, Y.N.Kashtanov, V.B.Melas, St.Petersburg University Press.
22 November 2006. Seminar in Cardiff Univeristy: Besov regularity of functions with sparse random wavelet coefficients
1 - 6 June 2006. Valencia Conference on Bayesian
Statistics (Benidorm, Spain) (poster).
10 - 14 July 2006. WAVE2006: (Lausanne, Switzerland) (2 posters)
14 April 2006. Statistical Seminar at St.-Petersburg State University, Faculty of Mathematics and Mechanics: On pointwise optimality of Bayes Factor wavelet regression estimators (in Russian).
24 - 28 July 2005. European Meeting of Statisticians
(Oslo, Norway). Bayesian t statistic: properties and application to
analysis of multiclass gene expression data
(poster, with S. Richardson).
26 June – 2 July 2005. The 5th St.-Petersburg Workshop
on Simulation, St-Petersburg, Russia. Wavelet goodness-of-fit test
for dependent data (talk).
25-27 May 2005. Conference of International Biometrics Society, Spain (Oviedo). Mixture models in a fully Bayesian framework for analysis of gene expression data (talk, N.Bochkina, A. Lewin and S. Richardson).
12-15 January 2005. 2nd IMS-ISBA joint meeting (Bormio, Italy). Mixture models in a fully Bayesian framework for analysis of gene expression data (poster, N.Bochkina, A. Lewin and S. Richardson).
5 October 2004. 4th
Genomics-Bioinformatics Day on Expression Data Analysis (University of Oxford).
Talk Statistical
modelling for BAIR project
27 June – 2 July 2004. Workshop on
Statistics in Functional Genomics (Ascona, Switzerland). Bayesian mixture models for
analysing gene expression data
19 February 2004. 8th Quaterly
Academic Meeting of the Clinical Sciences Centre and Microarray Centre
(Imperial College London). Talk Different approaches to analysis of BAIR
microarray data.
10-15 December 2001. European Statistical Seminar (SemStat), Gotherborg,
Sweden. Contributed talk Wavelets and Extreme Value Theory.
28 December 2001. Statistical Seminar at St.-Petersburg State University, Faculty of Mathematics and Mechanics: Bayesian Modelling and Wavelets (in Russian).
17 October 2001. Statistical Seminar at the University of Kent in Canterbury: Bayesian Models and Wavelet Regression.
14-18 December 1998. International Biometric Conference, Cape Town, South Africa. Contributed talk Synapses and branch points of neuronal trees: distribution and dependence.
28 June - 3 July 1998. The 3rd
St.-Petersburg Workshop on Simulation, Saint-Petersburg, Russia. Contributed
talk Fiducial distributions in
statistical simulation of regulatory systems.